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Have You Heard of The Vegan Stay?

If you haven’t yet, you will!

The Vegan Stay Logo

Piece of Heaven Project has recently partnered with The Vegan Stay, a vegan-friendly homestay service that keeps the “WHY” of being vegan at its core, donating a portion of its proceeds to us animal sanctuaries - the backbone of the vegan movement. And when you book a stay at our sanctuary on the platform, ALL proceeds are donated to us!

Say hello to Phoenix and baby Conrad at Animal Place Sanctuary, CA

While working as a volunteer at some animal sanctuaries in the USA, Faik Bouhrik, the founder of The Vegan Stay, uncovered the unfortunate financial struggles most sanctuaries face. The chronic need for resources prevents these sanctuaries from dedicating more attention to rescuing animals and educating the public about the need to see and treat animals for the sentient beings they truly are.

The Vegan Stay founder with a goat
Faik Bouhrik, the founder of The Vegan Stay

The Vegan Stay was created to solve this very problem. Its core mission is to revolutionize vegan travel while partnering with sanctuaries across the globe to provide them with the logistic and financial support they need to carry out their best work.

Faik Bouhrik, along with his equally passionate team, has created this space for vegan travelers to find vegan-friendly accommodations and events all over the world. And with every stay that is booked, a sanctuary somewhere is supported.

So How Does it Work?

It is quite simple! And there are a few different ways to get involved…

If You Have a Vegan Stay or Sanctuary with a Vegan Stay

You can join our vegan travel network and list on our website for free! You just need to make an account, post a quality listing, and stay connected to this awesome community! This is a great way to help vegan travelers find you and make a difference in the sanctuary community! The service fee The Vegan Stay charges is donated to YOUR SANCTUARY!

And every person who lists their own stay and chooses you as their favorite sanctuary designates you as the recipient of 50% of the service fee The Vegan Stay charges.

If You Have a Sanctuary, But No Stay

Don’t have a stay?! No problem! You can still make an account with The Vegan Stay and let them know that you want to be involved and receive the much deserved support for your animals.

And, like for sanctuaries with their own stays, every person who lists their own stay and chooses you as their favorite sanctuary designates you as the recipient of 50% of the service fee The Vegan Stay charges.

A woman feeding a pig
Snack time at Little Pigs at Home Sanctuary, Wales

If You are a Traveler

Are you a vegan traveler? Are you ready to say goodbye to the bed-and-breakfasts that serve sausage and eggs, and hello to b&bs that serve vegan-friendly meals and treats? And, on top of that contribute to the vital work sanctuaries do?

Well, look no further! The Vegan Stay aims to provide quality vegan-friendly accommodations to vegan travelers all over the world. So hop on our website and get ready to plan your next adventure! Don’t see a listing where you want to go? Hang on tight, we are working on flooding our vegan travel map with amazing accommodation options.

Cozy accommodation and eats at Inn Sanctuary, NM

If you are passionate about veganism, animal rights, travel, or all three; there is definitely a way to get involved with The Vegan Stay and actively support what you believe in.

So, feel free to browse our sanctuary site and head to The Vegan Stay to make a listing or plan your next adventure!

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1 commentaire

Ardeth Wanzer
18 déc. 2023


This Ardeth Wanzer I am trying to find your listing on Vegan Stay and I do not see you listed there. The site also appears to have changed it's name to for bookings

Just wondering how to book a stay at your sanctuary

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